Research on the Law of Grinding Point Grinding Point of High-precision Rotating Surface

Abstract Trajectory Envelope Grinding is an important process for machining high-precision revolving surfaces. In order to further improve the accuracy of the path enveloping grinding process, this paper first analyzes the positional relationship between the grinding point and the machining curve of the grinding wheel in the arc path envelope grinding. Taking the processing of busbars as arc curves and parabola as examples, the motion law of the grinding points of the grinding wheel during grinding is discussed. On the basis of this, the grinding of the grinding wheel in the curved surface is obtained. The velocity equation of the point. The analysis shows that: (1) The distance of the grinding point of the grinding wheel increases with the increase of the radius of the arc at the end of the grinding wheel; (2) The large angular velocity of the grinding point of the grinding wheel means the grinding point of the grinding wheel in the grinding process. The movement speed is fast; (3) The curved surface with large radius of curvature has serious wear on the grinding wheel during the grinding process. (Diamond and Abrasives Engineering, 2009, Issue 2)

Diamond Segment

Diamond Segment.Diamond Core Bit Segment.Diamond Arranged Segment

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