The chandelier installation method steps to analyze the installation chandelier matters needing attention

Nowadays, many items, in addition to their own role, have also added decorative effects. For example, chandeliers were, in the past, only a kind of lighting tool. Nowadays, they have been used as decorations. Therefore, regardless of the choice of chandeliers or installation methods, It is important to note that especially on these details, it will directly affect the overall effect of the room. So what are the methods for installing the pendants ? Take a look.

Chandelier installation method steps - material preparation

Before the operation, we must first prepare the corresponding materials, such as wood and tools. Only by preparing these things can we be able to carry out the following work better. At the same time, we can avoid the work that cannot be continued due to the lack of materials during installation. , especially some trivial things.

Chandelier Installation Method Steps - Precautions

Before installation, it is necessary to specify which room is equipped with several lights, and how far away it is. Because these small details are directly related to the aesthetic effect of the chandeliers after installation, it is necessary to measure the distance between the holes during drilling. The length of the boom must also be set according to the distance to the hole.

Chandelier installation method steps - specific operation

In the operation, first to get the hanging board, and then start drilling according to the distance on the board surface, then pay attention to the details of the screw and the size of the drill bit to be appropriate, otherwise it will cause the chandeliers to install very troublesome, and the other screws have A certain size, also pay attention to this detail when drilling.

Chandelier installation method steps - pendant light connection

After the screw is partially screwed in, it will be finished on the pedestal, but you should pay attention to the height, because it will directly affect the lighting effect of the whole room. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the height adjustment. After installing these, you can put Lampshade and lamp tube installed.

Installation pendant lamp matters needing attention

1. During construction, if it is possible to install a sub-control switch, many annoyances can be discarded, because if there is only one master switch and several lights turn on and off together, the light and darkness of the light cannot be selected, and electric energy will be wasted. Sub-control switch can be selected according to the need to open a few lights at any time.

2, for this type of system, it is best to set it to be adjustable, so that when the light is gray or dazzling, it can be adjusted to make the eyes more comfortable and comfortable, and the color temperature of the light should be consistent with the atmosphere of the room, at least The color temperature is similar to other areas of the home, and it is recommended to install the lamp at the top to reduce the shadow during work.

Summary: Well, the above is about the chandelier installation method of the content of the introduction, I hope to provide you with some help, I believe that in the future chandelier installation process, friends will be more handy, to create their own satisfactory results.

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