Dulux Color Actual Photo Gallery

In the face of a busy pace of life, many people do not have time to look after their homes. For a long time, the beautiful walls are inevitably covered with dust and dirt. If you are using a wall paint that is resistant to dirt, it will be a good solution to this problem. Therefore, we recommend those "lazy people" or families that are often naughty children to use at home. Dulux Super Washable Wall Paint is a strong anti-fouling wall paint.

Dulux Super Washable Wall Paint

Reference price: 195 yuan / 5 liters

Product Description: This product uses Dulux super easy to wash technology, can do repeated scrub without leaving marks. This product is also very strong coverage, good adhesion. And it has a good anti-alkaline, anti-mildew effect is good.

It can be seen from the name that this product is a stain-resistant and scrub-resistant product, while at the same time its other big selling point is the "net taste". As we all know, Dulux's “clean taste” technology is relatively advanced. Unlike some brands that add flavors, Dulux’s “net flavor” products generally have no odor, and soon there is no pungent odor after brushing. Comfortable. Friends who hate irritating odors or want to check in as soon as possible can choose this product.

It should be noted that this product can be painted using a paint sweep, roller or spray method. It usually needs to be coated twice, and it should normally be dry at least 2 hours apart. When diluting with water, usually add one part water (10-20%) to five to ten paints; no more than 30% water can be added.

Many netizens choose their products, but choosing a color to see the color card can't tell the actual effect. Here, Xiao Bian puts many colors and actual effects pictures used by netizens here for reference.

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