Qi family classroom: how to choose water pipes?

>>> Caution: Common Problems in Construction of Water Pipes

In home decoration, people mostly focus on interior layout and decoration, but less attention is paid to the pipeline of home blood. With the media's thinking about poisoning PP pipes, the hygienic properties of domestic water pipes have received unprecedented attention. How do you choose a reliable water pipe in the face of numerous good and bad pipes on the market? And look at the water pipes purchased by the experts to buy "Three Character Classics".

First, water quality is important

“The water quality is good, the key is to look at the pipeline.” Traditional galvanized pipes are apt to rust, corrode, and prone to scaling. They are prone to microbial growth, produce secondary pollution, and threaten human health. We often have such experience, no one in the family for a few days, open the tap, and shed yellow rust. This is the best example of pipe pollution of water quality. At present, household drinking water pipelines mainly consist of aluminum-plastic pipes and PP-R pipes. They are widely used in drinking water pipelines because of their corrosion-resistant scaling characteristics. However, due to the fact that plastics are easily doped and made false, especially individual PPR pipes have few toxic incidents.

Second, choose a good water pipe

Healthy water, starting from the tube, how to buy a healthy, safe and durable water pipe, the experts will teach you a trick:

A smell: smell the water pipe has no smell. There are many pungent odors in the smuggled toxic plastics.

Second look: Look at the color, thickness, and gloss of the pipe. If the outside wall of the pipe is marked with trademarks, specifications, temperatures, pressures, and production lots.

Three notes:

1. Attention should be paid to the formal agent shop or manufacturer that has a pipe authorized distribution book.

2. Pay attention to whether the pipes and fittings purchased are produced by the same manufacturer.

3. Pay attention to request product service card.

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