Do not let concealed projects become demonstration demonstration projects for potential construction of hidden potential houses

In everybody's expectation...QiJia takes you for a free visit to the model room and it is held as scheduled. This time, we continued our previous style and visited the website of the netizens (Hydropower stage project).

Today's decoration design company personnel face to face with the netizens to communicate directly to answer netizen questions. During the period, today's decoration design company staff also provided a lot of valuable opinions for netizens and friends, netizens and friends can pay more attention to the decoration in the future.

Not much to say, directly on the map ~

Do not let hidden projects become hidden dangers

Switch socket positioning

Do not let hidden projects become hidden dangers

power box

Do not let hidden projects become hidden dangers

Netizens watch bathroom hydropower projects

Do not let hidden projects become hidden dangers

Onsite to test water pressure for netizens

Do not let hidden projects become hidden dangers

Netizens ask questions about the structure of the site

Do not let hidden projects become hidden dangers

Today's decoration CEOs and netizens explain decoration knowledge

Decoration Design Decoration Company Switch Socket Bathroom Decoration Model House Model House Design Company Decoration Style Bathroom Design Overall Bathroom Bathroom Door

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